Technical Resources

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Pipe Size Charts

The IS 1239 standard is a crucial document in the realm of steel pipes, setting forth specifications for various aspects such as dimensions, weights, and properties.

Duct Size Charts

The IS 1239 standard is a crucial document in the realm of steel pipes, setting forth specifications for various aspects such as dimensions, weights, and properties.

Pipe Size Charts

Pipe Size Charts

Utilizing accurate pipe size charts is essential in the design and execution of MEP supports. These charts provide crucial information on standard pipe dimensions, load-bearing capacities, and recommended spacing for effective support systems. By referencing these charts, we ensure that our supports are precisely tailored to the needs of your project, guaranteeing a reliable and efficient MEP system. This attention to detail not only enhances system performance but also contributes to cost-effectiveness in material usage and installation. Trust us to deliver supports that meet industry standards and exceed your expectations.
Duct Size Charts

Duct Size Charts

Employing precise duct size charts is paramount in the design and installation of MEP duct supports. These charts offer vital data on standard duct dimensions, airflow capacities, and optimal spacing for reliable support structures. By utilizing this information, we ensure that our supports are tailored to your project’s specific requirements, ensuring an efficient and dependable MEP duct system. This meticulous approach not only enhances system performance but also leads to cost-effective material usage and installation. Count on us to provide supports that meet industry standards and surpass your project’s needs

Manufacturer's Recommended Spacing - Support for Cable Management Systems

Manufacturer's Recommended Spacing - Support for Cable Management Systems

The significance of support spacing for cable ladders and trays in infrastructure projects cannot be overstated. Proper spacing is essential for preventing sagging, overloading, and potential damage to cables, ensuring optimal system performance. Compliance with industry standards and regulations is facilitated through adherence to recommended support guidelines, contributing to the safety and reliability of the entire electrical and communication network. Additionally, well-spaced supports simplify access for installation and maintenance, enhance long-term durability by withstanding environmental stresses, and ultimately minimize the risk of accidents. In essence, the careful consideration of support spacing is integral to creating a robust and efficient cable management system that forms the backbone of modern infrastructure projects.

Manufacturer's Recommended Spacing - Pipe Supports

Manufacturer's Recommended Spacing - Pipe Supports

The appropriate spacing of supports for pipes conveying various mediums in applications such as FPS (Fire Protection Systems), Public Health Engineering (PHE), or CHW (Chilled Water Systems) is paramount for ensuring the resilience, functionality, and safety of these systems. Adequate support intervals prevent undue stress on pipes, averting issues like sagging and potential damage. Adherence to industry standards is crucial, addressing factors such as thermal expansion, contraction, and seismic considerations. This not only preserves the structural integrity of the piping systems but also simplifies access for installation and maintenance activities. The correct support spacing is vital for preventing leaks, optimizing system performance, and elevating the overall reliability of FPS, PHE, or CHW applications in various industrial and public health engineering contexts.